🀩(06/21/2024) Meeting Minutes


Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12WQ07DQBJ4iZmsHW1p9EJGZuGbBm9mMY/view

Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G_RIIceISM3tt9JruP3t4PiSgoCreWUb7xoUvKXqbzI/edit?usp=sharing


Christian: Head of Open Source Office, Intersect Staff

Tex: Open Source Program Manager, Intersect Staff, Open Source Committee Secretary

Nick: Director of Engineering at Tweag/Modus Create

Sandip: Dquadrant

Adam: No Intro Provided, OS Maintainer Pilot, DripDropz

Ronald: CEO Dquadrant, Intersect Member

Marcin: Not Present

Daniel: Not Present

Phillip: No Intro Provided


Old Business:

  • Policy WG (Adam D.):

  • Security Policy under Technical review, to be accepted and aligned with TSC oversight.

  • Project Incubation WG (Alex S.):

  • Maintainer Pilot (Adam D.):

  • Update from OSO Team

    • OS Pilot

    • Hydra Build, Haskell.nix: Repo migration up for Internal review

    • Working Group/SIG: Guardrails for OSC, Clarification of willingness to accept. How many are appropriate? For each?

    • OS Youtube

New Business:

  • Hard Fork Poll (Lewis M.)

  • Oracles WG

  • Current OS Tools

    • ClickUp Review

    • Move/Copy Agenda to ClickUp

    • Begin future meetings with ClickUp review

    • Copy Intersect Monday Meeting Format for OSC use

  • July 19: New Goals/Goal Realignment upon achievement of current Strategy.

    • Review of Current Strategy and Achievement

    • Future Planning

  • Open Forum

Discussion Point


Actions: Responsible / Note

Policy Working Group Updates

Adam Dean updated on the challenges of coordinating the Policy Working Group due to Discord notification issues. The focus will be on establishing an election process, exploring voting mechanisms, and seeking new members to fill vacancies and ensure a partial committee rotation to avoid replacing the entire body simultaneously.

Schedule a meeting with Christian, Lloyd, Matthew Capps (IOG), and Terence to discuss the election process and explore options used by the Community Advisory Board.

Security Policy Review

Christian Taylor clarified that the Security Policy review does not require Governing Board attention currently. The OSC has been authorized to set up oversight and coordinate with the TSC. Recent repo permission changes allow projects to have private repositories. The team structure is being reorganized, and access issues should be reported to Christian or Terence.


Project Incubation

Alex Seregin discussed the Project Incubation group's work, merging outputs from the previous Project Lifecycle and Project Evaluation groups. The focus is on studying and choosing metric models for project evaluation, acknowledging the need for human judgment in interpretation. The current draft for project incubation/evaluation was presented for review and voting. The draft outlines criteria for three phases: Incubation (basic requirements), Growth (active use and contributor dynamics), and Mature (technical optimizations and ecosystem integration).

Add metrics to the draft after approval and define the remaining categories.

Maintainer Pilot

Adam Dean reported progress on the Maintainer Pilot, including repo restructuring, improved collaboration, and governance discussions. The pilot involves coordination between the Cardano Foundation, Intersect, and IOI staff. The goal is to release a version before the Hard Fork and expand the pilot to other projects. Silona suggested organizing a code-a-thon for cleanup tasks. The pilot's conclusion and assessment will inform the next steps, potentially involving larger core repositories and addressing backlog issues.

Write assessment reports in conjunction with the TSC, explore the possibility of a code-a-thon, and transition the pilot to larger core repositories.

OSO Updates

Terence McCutcheon shared updates on the Open Source Office (OSO). Discussions are ongoing with the TSC regarding the inclusion of Hydra build and Haskell.nix. The Open Source pilot will be evaluated based on past PRs and use cases. The Open Source YouTube channel, Open Source Cowboys podcast, and the Intersect YouTube channel are avenues for communication and outreach. The certification working group, led by Simon Thompson from IOG, was also mentioned. The possibility of this group aligning with the OSC will be explored.

Oracles Working Group

Micah Kendall inquired about the next steps for the Oracle's working group, seeking guidance on creating a 12-month plan and deliverables. Terence confirmed the group's status as a working group and assured them of support and resources. The Oracle's channel will be moved to the OSC working group forum. The discussion emphasized the importance of open standards and implementations in the oracle space, highlighting collaboration and the need for a neutral platform. The issue of competition among oracle providers was raised, suggesting the need for a collaborative approach under the OSC.

Create a 12-month plan and deliverables for the Oracle's working group, move the Oracle's channel to the OSC working group forum.

Open Source Tools

Terence McCutcheon highlighted the available tools for the Open Source Committee, including ClickUp for task management, a shared Google Drive for collaboration and document storage, and potentially a Miro board for additional thoughts and brainstorming.

Ensure everyone has access to the shared drive and Miro board.

Goal Realignment and Q1/Q2 Review

A tentative session is planned for July 19th to review and adjust the open source strategy and goals. Christian Taylor will conduct a review of Q1/Q2 OSO goals and gather feedback for the latter half of the year, assessing the need for any changes.

Review the open source strategy and adjust goals as needed, review Q1/Q2 OSO goals and gather feedback.

Last updated