(08/08/2024) Meeting Minutes
Christian Taylor (OSO Rep) Christian Taylor
Ronald Span ronald@dquadrant.com
Nicholas Clarke nicholas.clarke@tweag.io
Terence McCutcheon Terence McCutcheon
Karen Wickham Karen Wickham
Adam Dean adam@crypto2099.io
Alex Seregin alexeusgr@gmail.com
Suganya Raju realsuganya01@gmail.com
Daniel Eduardo Mosquera Pava
Fayyaadh Adams fayyaadh.adams@iohk.io
Esteban Garcia
Recording: Open Source Committee (Intersect) (2024-08-08 08:05 GMT-5)
Transcript: Open Source Committee (Intersect) (2024-08-08 08:05 GMT-5) β Transcript
Christian: Head of Open Source Office, Intersect Staff
Tex: Open Source Program Manager, Intersect Staff, Open Source Committee Secretary
Nick: Director of Engineering at Tweag/Modus Create
Sandip: Not Present
Adam: Adam Dean LLC, CIP Editor, ICC Member, OS Maintainer Pilot, DripDropz
Ronald: CEO Dquadrant, Intersect Member
Daniel: Not Present
Phillip: Not Present
Developer Advocate Introductions
Security TWG Update
Dev Ex WG
OSC Seats Voting Overview - OSC approved to fill seats prior to Cardano Summit
Open Forum
Nomination Discussion continued
Discussion Point
Actions: Responsible / Note
Terence McCutcheon welcomed attendees, including new and returning members, and introduced the agenda. The focus would start with Developer Advocates, followed by voting and nominations later in the call.
Members to share their affiliation in the chat.
Developer Advocates Introduction
Terence introduced the Developer Advocates, allowing them to introduce themselves. Alex Seregin discussed his experience with Gimba Labs, Helios project, and his role as Chair of the Developer Experience working group. Suganya shared her background in blockchain and Cardano.
Security Working Group Update
Nicholas Clarke provided a brief update on the Security working group. The group is now answering to the TSC, with ongoing work on the incident response procedure and disaster recovery procedure.
Christian Taylor to update the charter. Nicholas Clarke to continue work on Security procedures.
Developer Experience
Alex Seregin discussed the need for continuous focus on Developer Experience. The group has been advocating for tools like Helios and discussed the importance of publicizing these efforts.
OSC members (Christian, Adam, Nick, and Ronald) to discuss and decide on maintaining community involvement and Developer Advocates' role in the working group.
Voting and Nominations
Karen Wickham explained the election process for Committee members, which will take place in September and October. Current members can re-apply. Adam Dean raised concerns about the need to fill vacancies before October.
OSC to start the nomination period on August 12th and use either the Summon tool or a manual process if the tool is not ready. Karen to ensure the process aligns with Intersect's communication strategy.
Open Forum and Final Discussions
Discussion on the eligibility of Committee members and whether companies can have more than one seat or swap representatives. Terence McCutcheon suggested revisiting the nomination process if there is low participation.
OSC to monitor nomination participation and revisit the strategy if needed.
Last updated