Rules of Order

Roberts Rules of Order – Simplified

Guiding Principles:

  • Everyone has the right to participate in discussion before anyone speaks a second time.

  • Everyone has the right to know what is going on at all times. Only urgent matters may interrupt a speaker.

  • Only one motion can be discussed at a time.


  • Introducing a Motion: After recognition by the president, present your motion. Requires a second.

  • Amending a Motion: After recognition, move to amend by adding, striking, or inserting words.

  • Substitute Motion: Move to substitute your motion for the original.

  • Refer to Committee: Move to refer the motion for further study.

  • Postpone: Move to postpone to a definite time/date for more study.

  • Limit Debate: Move to limit debate to a set time or number of speakers (requires 2/3 vote).

  • Close Debate: Move to close the debate and bring to a vote (requires 2/3 vote).

  • Table Motion: Move to table the motion, which can be reconsidered at the next meeting.

  • Call for Orders of the Day: Call to return to the agenda.

  • Recess: Move to take a break.

  • Adjourn: Move to end the meeting.

  • Division of the House: Call for a roll call vote if unsure of the vote results.

  • Point of Information/Parliamentary Inquiry: Request clarification on procedures.

  • Reconsider: Move to reconsider a motion voted on earlier (must have been on the winning side).

  • Rescind: Move to change an action from an earlier meeting.

Call for unanimous consent if a matter is minor or opposition is not expected. The Lead will repeat the request and pause for objections. If none, the motion passes.


In order to be eligible for votes, the following must exist:

  • Participants must be an Individual Founding Member of Intersect

  • Voting candidates (1 per Project) must be in attendance for 2 consecutive meetings to qualify.

Interrupting a Speaker:

  • For information about business – Point of Information.

  • For information about rules – Parliamentary Inquiry.

  • For safety, hearing, or comfort issues – Question of Privilege.

  • For breach of rules – Point of Order.

  • To disagree with the Lead’s ruling – Appeal.

  • To object to unanimous consent – Object.

Quick Reference:

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